The price of Fast Food (McDonalds/KFC) (Per Person) in Mexico is 32.56 MXN
Fast Food (McDonalds/KFC) in Mexico, Mexico
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Currency | Code | Symbol | Value |
Palladium Ounce | XPD | po | 0.0074 XPD |
Gold Ounce | XAU | g | 0.0020 XAU |
Angolan Kwanza | AOA | Kz | 242.3739 AOA |
Vanuatu Vatu | VUV | VT | 238.0938 VUV |
Tongan Paʻanga | TOP | T$ | 4.5433 TOP |
Malagasy Ariary | MGA | Ar | 5,562.0873 MGA |
Other countries | Price | COMPARED WITH Mexico |
Eritrea | 235.36 MXN | 622.89% |
Bahrain | 69.56 MXN | 113.65% |
Congo | 156.91 MXN | 381.93% |
Greenland | 129.32 MXN | 297.19% |
United States | 43.35 MXN | 33.15% |
Venezuela | 72.15 MXN | 121.61% |
Fast Food (McDonalds/KFC) price comparison chart
The Fast Food (McDonalds/KFC) price comparison chart shows that price for Fast Food (McDonalds/KFC) (Per Person) in Mexico is 622.89 % lower than the same Fast Food (McDonalds/KFC) price in , Eritrea.