Fast Food (McDonalds/KFC) in Poptun, Guatemala

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The price of Fast Food (McDonalds/KFC) (Per Person) in Poptun, Guatemala is 33.70 GTQ

Currency Code Symbol Value
Croatian Kuna HRK kn 24.0650 HRK
Iranian Rial IRR 105,959.6976 IRR
Ethiopian Birr ETB Br 81.3833 ETB
Kroon EEK kr 49.9025 EEK
Polish Zloty PLN 13.2253 PLN
Mozambican Metical MZN MT 128.5406 MZN
Other cities Price COMPARED WITH
Uaxactun 35.97 GTQ 6.74%
Tikal 34.07 GTQ 1.12%
Rubelsanto 35.59 GTQ 5.62%
Rio Dulce 34.83 GTQ 3.37%
Retalhuleu 37.48 GTQ 11.24%
Puerto San Jose 36.35 GTQ 7.87%

Fast Food (McDonalds/KFC) price comparison chart

The Fast Food (McDonalds/KFC) price comparison chart shows that price for Fast Food (McDonalds/KFC) (Per Person) in Poptun is 11.24 % lower than the same Fast Food (McDonalds/KFC) price in Retalhuleu, Guatemala.