Fast Food (McDonalds/KFC) in Wyk, Germany

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The price of Fast Food (McDonalds/KFC) (Per Person) in Wyk, Germany is 3.23 EUR

Currency Code Symbol Value
Kenyan Shilling KES Sh 381.6174 KES
Cambodian Riel KHR 17,571.7213 KHR
Somali Shilling SOS S 5,308.9148 SOS
Seychellois Rupee SCR 53.1238 SCR
Palladium Ounce XPD po 0.0130 XPD
Cape Verdean Escudo CVE $, Esc 357.5572 CVE
Other cities Price COMPARED WITH
Zwickau 2.88 EUR -11.00%
Zweibrucken 3.36 EUR 4.00%
Wunstorf 3.17 EUR -2.00%
Wuerzburg 2.91 EUR -10.00%
Wuerselen 3.04 EUR -6.00%
Wriezen 3.20 EUR -1.00%

Fast Food (McDonalds/KFC) price comparison chart

The Fast Food (McDonalds/KFC) price comparison chart shows that price for Fast Food (McDonalds/KFC) (Per Person) in Wyk is 4.00 % lower than the same Fast Food (McDonalds/KFC) price in Zweibrucken, Germany.