Flour in Indonesia, Indonesia

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The price of Flour (01 Kg) in Indonesia is 9,328.48 IDR

Currency Code Symbol Value
Cape Verdean Escudo CVE $, Esc 64.5150 CVE
Falkland Islands Pound FKP £ 0.4885 FKP
Ugandan Shilling UGX USh 2,003.3952 UGX
São Tomé and Príncipe Dobra STD Db 14,452.4982 STD
Cuban Peso CUP 17.9707 CUP
Hungarian Forint HUF Ft 174.2866 HUF
Other countries Price COMPARED WITH
United States 48,410.13 IDR 418.95%
Venezuela 15,093.28 IDR 61.80%
Uruguay 16,976.40 IDR 81.98%
Suriname 12,719.05 IDR 36.35%
Peru 16,958.74 IDR 81.80%
Paraguay 6,477.30 IDR -30.56%

Flour price comparison chart

The Flour price comparison chart shows that price for Flour (01 Kg) in Indonesia is 418.95 % lower than the same Flour price in , United States.