Flour in Mostaganem, Algeria

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The price of Flour (01 Kg) in Mostaganem, Algeria is 4.53 AED

Currency Code Symbol Value
Georgian Lari GEL 2.0784 GEL
Polish Zloty PLN 3.8165 PLN
Cuban Peso CUP 27.9690 CUP
Egyptian Pound EGP £ 8.4898 EGP
Indian Rupee INR Rs 76.7990 INR
Gold Ounce XAU g 0.0010 XAU
Other cities Price COMPARED WITH
Touggourt 5.12 AED 13.04%
Tlemcen 5.32 AED 17.39%
Tindouf 5.41 AED 19.57%
Timimoun 5.17 AED 14.13%
Tiaret 5.12 AED 13.04%
Tebessa 5.27 AED 16.30%

Flour price comparison chart

The Flour price comparison chart shows that price for Flour (01 Kg) in Mostaganem is 19.57 % lower than the same Flour price in Tindouf, Algeria.