Flour in Myanmar, Myanmar

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The price of Flour (01 Kg) in Myanmar is 847.57 MMK

Currency Code Symbol Value
Malagasy Ariary MGA Ar 1,929.9773 MGA
Cuban Peso CUP 19.6019 CUP
Zimbabwean Dollar ZWD Z$ 312.6816 ZWD
Aruban Florin AWG ƒ 1.5464 AWG
Moroccan Dirham MAD د.م. 7.1443 MAD
Chinese Yuan CNY ¥ 5.2705 CNY
Other countries Price COMPARED WITH
United States 4,032.43 MMK 375.76%
Venezuela 1,257.23 MMK 48.33%
Uruguay 1,414.09 MMK 66.84%
Suriname 1,059.46 MMK 25.00%
Peru 1,412.62 MMK 66.67%
Paraguay 539.54 MMK -36.34%

Flour price comparison chart

The Flour price comparison chart shows that price for Flour (01 Kg) in Myanmar is 375.76 % lower than the same Flour price in , United States.