The price of Flour (01 Kg) in Portage La Prarie, Canada is 3.42 CAD
Flour in Portage La Prarie, Canada
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Currency | Code | Symbol | Value |
Guinean Franc | GNF | Fr | 22,380.7860 GNF |
Tunisian Dinar | TND | د.ت | 5.4152 TND |
Euro | EUR | € | 2.3861 EUR |
CFA Franc BCEAO | XOF | Fr | 1,567.7809 XOF |
Solomon Islands Dollar | SBD | $ | 23.1924 SBD |
Turkish Lira | TRY | ₤ | 6.5215 TRY |
Other cities | Price | COMPARED WITH Portage La Prarie |
Zama Lake | 3.76 CAD | 10.00% |
Zama | 3.68 CAD | 7.78% |
Yorkton | 3.80 CAD | 11.11% |
York Landing | 3.99 CAD | 16.67% |
Yellowknife | 4.18 CAD | 22.22% |
Yates Tower | 3.61 CAD | 5.56% |
Flour price comparison chart
The Flour price comparison chart shows that price for Flour (01 Kg) in Portage La Prarie is 22.22 % lower than the same Flour price in Yellowknife, Canada.