The price of Flour (01 Kg) in Santa Fe, Panama is 3.02 PAB
Flour in Santa Fe, Panama
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Currency | Code | Symbol | Value |
Egyptian Pound | EGP | £ | 20.7747 EGP |
Tanzanian Shilling | TZS | Sh | 4,860.0545 TZS |
Ethiopian Birr | ETB | Br | 57.4693 ETB |
Indian Rupee | INR | Rs | 187.9295 INR |
Libyan Dinar | LYD | ل.د | 3.7560 LYD |
Indonesian Rupiah | IDR | Rp | 35,527.3742 IDR |
Other cities | Price | COMPARED WITH Santa Fe |
Yaviza | 3.02 PAB | 0.00% |
Wannukandi | 2.80 PAB | -7.22% |
Ustupu Island | 3.05 PAB | 1.03% |
Ustupo | 3.27 PAB | 8.25% |
Tupile | 3.36 PAB | 11.34% |
Tubala | 3.36 PAB | 11.34% |
Flour price comparison chart
The Flour price comparison chart shows that price for Flour (01 Kg) in Santa Fe is 11.34 % lower than the same Flour price in Tupile, Panama.