Fuel in Lachen-Speyerdorf, Germany

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The price of Fuel (Per Litre) in Lachen-Speyerdorf, Germany is 1.54 EUR

Currency Code Symbol Value
Danish Krone DKK kr 11.4869 DKK
Belize Dollar BZD BZ$ 4.1573 BZD
Bangladeshi Taka BDT 162.5128 BDT
Afghan Afghani AFN ؋ 119.2372 AFN
Argentine Peso ARS $ 12.7317 ARS
Vanuatu Vatu VUV VT 199.8458 VUV
Other cities Price COMPARED WITH
Zwickau 1.47 EUR -4.21%
Zweibrucken 1.70 EUR 10.53%
Wyk 1.54 EUR 0.00%
Wunstorf 1.59 EUR 3.16%
Wuerzburg 1.49 EUR -3.16%
Wuerselen 1.49 EUR -3.16%

Fuel price comparison chart

The Fuel price comparison chart shows that price for Fuel (Per Litre) in Lachen-Speyerdorf is 10.53 % lower than the same Fuel price in Zweibrucken, Germany.