Fuel in Legnago, Italy

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The price of Fuel (Per Litre) in Legnago, Italy is 1.61 EUR

Currency Code Symbol Value
Surinamese Dollar SRD $ 7.1757 SRD
Cape Verdean Escudo CVE $, Esc 178.0048 CVE
Bhutanese Ngultrum BTN Nu 136.2458 BTN
New Taiwan Dollar TWD NT$ 64.7516 TWD
Moroccan Dirham MAD د.م. 18.0715 MAD
Swedish Krona SEK kr 14.3604 SEK
Other cities Price COMPARED WITH
Voghera 1.63 EUR 1.08%
Viterbo 1.56 EUR -3.23%
Vieste 1.70 EUR 5.38%
Vicenza 1.71 EUR 6.45%
Verona 1.66 EUR 3.23%
Vergiate 1.73 EUR 7.53%

Fuel price comparison chart

The Fuel price comparison chart shows that price for Fuel (Per Litre) in Legnago is 7.53 % lower than the same Fuel price in Vergiate, Italy.