Typical Meal in Langworth, United Kingdom

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The price of Typical Meal (Per Person) in Langworth, United Kingdom is 8.37 GBP

Currency Code Symbol Value
Trinidad and Tobago Dollar TTD TT$ 86.9356 TTD
Moroccan Dirham MAD د.م. 112.1974 MAD
East Caribbean Dollar XCD $ 36.6583 XCD
Serbian Dinar RSD Дин. 1,140.4207 RSD
Swedish Krona SEK kr 89.1564 SEK
Brazilian Real BRL R$ 31.1415 BRL
Other cities Price COMPARED WITH
Yeovilton 8.55 GBP 2.15%
Yeovil 8.37 GBP 0.00%
Wycombe 8.19 GBP -2.15%
Woodvale 8.64 GBP 3.23%
Woodford 8.10 GBP -3.23%
Woodbridge 8.10 GBP -3.23%

Typical Meal price comparison chart

The Typical Meal price comparison chart shows that price for Typical Meal (Per Person) in Langworth is 3.23 % lower than the same Typical Meal price in Woodvale, United Kingdom.