Typical Meal in Soroti, Uganda

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The price of Typical Meal (Per Person) in Soroti, Uganda is 6,196.59 UGX

Currency Code Symbol Value
Costa Rican Colón CRC 1,221.3838 CRC
Pound GGP gp 1.4789 GGP
Chilean Peso CLP $ 1,279.1107 CLP
Bhutanese Ngultrum BTN Nu 152.7350 BTN
United States Dollar USD $ 2.4500 USD
Congolese Franc CDF Fr 2,258.7285 CDF
Other cities Price COMPARED WITH
Uganda 6,259.82 UGX 1.02%
Tororo 5,690.75 UGX -8.16%
Pakuba 6,133.36 UGX -1.02%
Moyo 6,955.36 UGX 12.24%
Moroto 5,627.51 UGX -9.18%
Mbarara 6,006.90 UGX -3.06%

Typical Meal price comparison chart

The Typical Meal price comparison chart shows that price for Typical Meal (Per Person) in Soroti is 12.24 % lower than the same Typical Meal price in Moyo, Uganda.