The price of Typical Meal (Per Person) in Wanesi, Zimbabwe is 37.22 AED
Typical Meal in Wanesi, Zimbabwe
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Currency | Code | Symbol | Value |
Russian Ruble | RUB | руб | 334.6277 RUB |
Philippine Peso | PHP | ₱ | 442.8938 PHP |
Zimbabwean Dollar | ZWD | Z$ | 3,667.2051 ZWD |
Turkish Lira | TRY | ₤ | 20.3963 TRY |
Albanian Lek | ALL | Lek | 1,047.0534 ALL |
Indonesian Rupiah | IDR | Rp | 119,337.6831 IDR |
Other cities | Price | COMPARED WITH Wanesi |
Zvishavane | 35.64 AED | -4.26% |
Zisco | 39.20 AED | 5.32% |
Zimbabwe | 36.03 AED | -3.19% |
Wedza | 38.41 AED | 3.19% |
Victoria Falls | 42.76 AED | 14.89% |
Tuli | 36.03 AED | -3.19% |
Typical Meal price comparison chart
The Typical Meal price comparison chart shows that price for Typical Meal (Per Person) in Wanesi is 14.89 % lower than the same Typical Meal price in Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe.