Typical Meal in Yates Tower, Canada

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The price of Typical Meal (Per Person) in Yates Tower, Canada is 9.60 CAD

Currency Code Symbol Value
Vanuatu Vatu VUV VT 870.1420 VUV
Turkmenistani Manat TMT T 25.9517 TMT
Colombian Peso COP $ 17,531.3320 COP
Guyanaese Dollar GYD $ 1,871.9974 GYD
Malaysian Ringgit MYR RM 29.3167 MYR
Brunei Dollar BND $ 11.3907 BND
Other cities Price COMPARED WITH
Yates Tower
Zama Lake 9.39 CAD -2.20%
Zama 9.60 CAD 0.00%
Yorkton 10.44 CAD 8.79%
York Landing 11.39 CAD 18.68%
Yellowknife 10.97 CAD 14.29%
Yarmouth 11.60 CAD 20.88%

Typical Meal price comparison chart

The Typical Meal price comparison chart shows that price for Typical Meal (Per Person) in Yates Tower is 20.88 % lower than the same Typical Meal price in Yarmouth, Canada.