Typical Meal in Zwickau, Germany

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The price of Typical Meal (Per Person) in Zwickau, Germany is 6.55 EUR

Currency Code Symbol Value
Special Drawing Rights XDR SDR 5.8063 XDR
Bangladeshi Taka BDT 692.0400 BDT
United Arab Emirates AED د.إ 32.6897 AED
Chinese Yuan CNY ¥ 54.2905 CNY
Cape Verdean Escudo CVE $, Esc 724.8881 CVE
Croatian Kuna HRK kn 50.1354 HRK
Other cities Price COMPARED WITH
Zweibrucken 7.66 EUR 16.85%
Wyk 6.63 EUR 1.12%
Wunstorf 6.78 EUR 3.37%
Wuerzburg 6.63 EUR 1.12%
Wuerselen 7.22 EUR 10.11%
Wriezen 7.22 EUR 10.11%

Typical Meal price comparison chart

The Typical Meal price comparison chart shows that price for Typical Meal (Per Person) in Zwickau is 16.85 % lower than the same Typical Meal price in Zweibrucken, Germany.