The price of Milk (Per Litre) in La Pointe, United States is 1.42 USD
Milk in La Pointe, United States
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Currency | Code | Symbol | Value |
Samoan Tala | WST | T | 3.2958 WST |
Costa Rican Colón | CRC | ₡ | 708.9011 CRC |
Sierra Leonean Leone | SLL | Le | 6,152.9940 SLL |
New Zealand Dollar | NZD | $ | 1.7364 NZD |
Trinidad and Tobago Dollar | TTD | TT$ | 9.1109 TTD |
Zimbabwean Dollar | ZWD | Z$ | 514.6218 ZWD |
Other cities | Price | COMPARED WITH La Pointe |
Zuni Pueblo | 1.41 USD | -1.11% |
Zephyrhills | 1.58 USD | 11.11% |
Zellwood | 1.49 USD | 4.44% |
Zelienople | 1.44 USD | 1.11% |
Zeeland | 1.50 USD | 5.56% |
Zapata | 1.50 USD | 5.56% |
Milk price comparison chart
The Milk price comparison chart shows that price for Milk (Per Litre) in La Pointe is 11.11 % lower than the same Milk price in Zephyrhills, United States.