The price of Milk (Per Litre) in Palenque, Mexico is 12.16 MXN
Milk in Palenque, Mexico
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Currency | Code | Symbol | Value |
New Taiwan Dollar | TWD | NT$ | 27.5539 TWD |
Omani Rial | OMR | ﷼ | 0.3581 OMR |
Costa Rican Colón | CRC | ₡ | 463.6273 CRC |
Australian Dollar | AUD | $ | 1.0190 AUD |
Platinum Ounce | XPT | Pt | 0.0007 XPT |
Lithuanian Litas | LTL | Lt | 2.3659 LTL |
Other cities | Price | COMPARED WITH Palenque |
Zamora | 12.55 MXN | 3.23% |
Zacatecas | 13.86 MXN | 13.98% |
Villahermosa | 13.60 MXN | 11.83% |
Villa Constitucion | 12.03 MXN | -1.08% |
Veracruz | 14.25 MXN | 17.20% |
Uruapan | 14.38 MXN | 18.28% |
Milk price comparison chart
The Milk price comparison chart shows that price for Milk (Per Litre) in Palenque is 18.28 % lower than the same Milk price in Uruapan, Mexico.