Milk in Usino, Papua New Guinea

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The price of Milk (Per Litre) in Usino, Papua New Guinea is 9.91 PGK

Currency Code Symbol Value
Bosnia-Herzegovina Convertible Mark BAM KM 5.5370 BAM
Gambian Dalasi GMD D 144.8913 GMD
Sierra Leonean Leone SLL Le 16,615.6800 SLL
Omani Rial OMR 1.4785 OMR
Cambodian Riel KHR 15,370.2528 KHR
Kroon EEK kr 44.8562 EEK
Other cities Price COMPARED WITH
Zenag 10.32 PGK 4.17%
Yule Island 9.50 PGK -4.17%
Yongai 9.19 PGK -7.29%
Yeva 9.39 PGK -5.21%
Yenkis 9.39 PGK -5.21%
Yellow River 10.32 PGK 4.17%

Milk price comparison chart

The Milk price comparison chart shows that price for Milk (Per Litre) in Usino is 4.17 % lower than the same Milk price in Zenag, Papua New Guinea.