The price of Orange (01 Kg) in Kingsville, United States is 4.31 USD
Orange in Kingsville, United States
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Currency | Code | Symbol | Value |
Cayman Islands Dollar | KYD | $ | 3.5622 KYD |
Swedish Krona | SEK | kr | 28.3330 SEK |
Mongolian Tugrik | MNT | ₮ | 7,438.9330 MNT |
Sierra Leonean Leone | SLL | Le | 18,658.0240 SLL |
Malagasy Ariary | MGA | Ar | 9,632.0162 MGA |
Botswanan Pula | BWP | P | 37.0678 BWP |
Other cities | Price | COMPARED WITH Kingsville |
Zuni Pueblo | 4.27 USD | -1.02% |
Zephyrhills | 4.36 USD | 1.02% |
Zellwood | 4.31 USD | 0.00% |
Zelienople | 4.36 USD | 1.02% |
Zeeland | 4.27 USD | -1.02% |
Zapata | 4.00 USD | -7.14% |
Orange price comparison chart
The Orange price comparison chart shows that price for Orange (01 Kg) in Kingsville is 1.02 % lower than the same Orange price in Zephyrhills, United States.