Orange in Parsabade Moghan, Iran

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The price of Orange (01 Kg) in Parsabade Moghan, Iran is 34,216.15 IRR

Currency Code Symbol Value
Thai Baht THB ฿ 44.2748 THB
Danish Krone DKK kr 7.5819 DKK
Netherlands Antillean Guilder ANG ƒ 2.4679 ANG
Brazilian Real BRL R$ 3.1661 BRL
North Korean Won KPW 1,241.5500 KPW
Moroccan Dirham MAD د.م. 11.4069 MAD
Other cities Price COMPARED WITH
Parsabade Moghan
Zanjan 41,136.27 IRR 20.22%
Zahedan 41,905.18 IRR 22.47%
Zabol 41,520.72 IRR 21.35%
Yazd 40,751.82 IRR 19.10%
Yasouj 40,751.82 IRR 19.10%
Urmieh 41,905.18 IRR 22.47%

Orange price comparison chart

The Orange price comparison chart shows that price for Orange (01 Kg) in Parsabade Moghan is 22.47 % lower than the same Orange price in Zahedan, Iran.