Potato in Colinas, Brazil

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The price of Potato (01 Kg) in Colinas, Brazil is 2.97 BRL

Currency Code Symbol Value
Guinean Franc GNF Fr 8,935.7360 GNF
Bhutanese Ngultrum BTN Nu 80.6441 BTN
Saudi Riyal SAR 4.8516 SAR
New Zealand Dollar NZD $ 1.5796 NZD
Canadian Dollar CAD $ 1.3647 CAD
Cuban Peso CUP 29.3484 CUP
Other cities Price COMPARED WITH
Xinguara 2.76 BRL -7.14%
Xapuri 2.91 BRL -2.04%
Xanxere 2.97 BRL 0.00%
Votuporanga 2.88 BRL -3.06%
Vitoria Da Conquista 3.33 BRL 12.24%
Vitoria 3.30 BRL 11.22%

Potato price comparison chart

The Potato price comparison chart shows that price for Potato (01 Kg) in Colinas is 12.24 % lower than the same Potato price in Vitoria Da Conquista, Brazil.