Potato in Dabra, Indonesia

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The price of Potato (01 Kg) in Dabra, Indonesia is 6,854.16 IDR

Currency Code Symbol Value
Iraqi Dinar IQD ع.د 677.3607 IQD
Thai Baht THB ฿ 18.6792 THB
North Korean Won KPW 523.8000 KPW
Kyrgystani Som KGS лв 28.4216 KGS
Vanuatu Vatu VUV VT 55.6508 VUV
Moldovan Leu MDL L 7.6276 MDL
Other cities Price COMPARED WITH
Zugapa, Irian Jaya 6,430.19 IDR -6.19%
Yuruf, Irian Jaya 6,359.53 IDR -7.22%
Yogyakarta 6,642.17 IDR -3.09%
Wasior 6,854.16 IDR 0.00%
Warukin 6,712.83 IDR -2.06%
Waris 6,712.83 IDR -2.06%

Potato price comparison chart

The Potato price comparison chart shows that price for Potato (01 Kg) in Dabra is % higher than the same Potato price in , Indonesia.