Potato in Iguatu, Brazil

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The price of Potato (01 Kg) in Iguatu, Brazil is 2.82 BRL

Currency Code Symbol Value
Azerbaijani Manat AZN ман 0.9626 AZN
Yemeni Rial YER 263.9549 YER
Guatemalan Quetzal GTQ Q 9.6826 GTQ
Zambian Kwacha ZMK ZK 6,447.3798 ZMK
Hong Kong Dollar HKD $ 9.5165 HKD
Algerian Dinar DZD د.ج 97.8807 DZD
Other cities Price COMPARED WITH
Xinguara 2.76 BRL -2.15%
Xapuri 2.91 BRL 3.23%
Xanxere 2.97 BRL 5.38%
Votuporanga 2.88 BRL 2.15%
Vitoria Da Conquista 3.33 BRL 18.28%
Vitoria 3.30 BRL 17.20%

Potato price comparison chart

The Potato price comparison chart shows that price for Potato (01 Kg) in Iguatu is 18.28 % lower than the same Potato price in Vitoria Da Conquista, Brazil.