The price of Potato (01 Kg) in Pondok Cabe, Indonesia is 6,712.83 IDR
Potato in Pondok Cabe, Indonesia
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Currency | Code | Symbol | Value |
Special Drawing Rights | XDR | SDR | 0.3719 XDR |
Ethiopian Birr | ETB | Br | 10.8587 ETB |
Platinum Ounce | XPT | Pt | 0.0004 XPT |
Indonesian Rupiah | IDR | Rp | 6,712.8330 IDR |
Tuvalu Dollar | TVD | $ | 0.6255 TVD |
Afghan Afghani | AFN | ؋ | 32.5192 AFN |
Other cities | Price | COMPARED WITH Pondok Cabe |
Zugapa, Irian Jaya | 6,430.19 IDR | -4.21% |
Yuruf, Irian Jaya | 6,359.53 IDR | -5.26% |
Yogyakarta | 6,642.17 IDR | -1.05% |
Wasior | 6,854.16 IDR | 2.11% |
Warukin | 6,712.83 IDR | 0.00% |
Waris | 6,712.83 IDR | 0.00% |
Potato price comparison chart
The Potato price comparison chart shows that price for Potato (01 Kg) in Pondok Cabe is 2.11 % lower than the same Potato price in Wasior, Indonesia.