The price of Potato (01 Kg) in Port Said, Egypt is 3.34 EGP
Potato in Port Said, Egypt
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Currency | Code | Symbol | Value |
Bermudan Dollar | BMD | $ | 0.4850 BMD |
Lithuanian Litas | LTL | Lt | 1.2338 LTL |
Special Drawing Rights | XDR | SDR | 0.3164 XDR |
Ugandan Shilling | UGX | USh | 1,226.6717 UGX |
Singapore Dollar | SGD | $ | 0.6073 SGD |
Kroon | EEK | kr | 5.6654 EEK |
Other cities | Price | COMPARED WITH Port Said |
Tour Sinai City | 3.17 EGP | -5.15% |
Taba | 3.65 EGP | 9.28% |
Sohag | 3.37 EGP | 1.03% |
Siwa | 3.06 EGP | -8.25% |
Sidi Barani | 3.27 EGP | -2.06% |
Sharm el Sheikh | 3.62 EGP | 8.25% |
Potato price comparison chart
The Potato price comparison chart shows that price for Potato (01 Kg) in Port Said is 9.28 % lower than the same Potato price in Taba, Egypt.