Potato in Zamora, Mexico

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The price of Potato (01 Kg) in Zamora, Mexico is 8.70 MXN

Currency Code Symbol Value
Thai Baht THB ฿ 21.3430 THB
Malaysian Ringgit MYR RM 2.1424 MYR
Mauritian Rupee MUR Rs 20.2689 MUR
Macedonian Denar MKD ден 30.2512 MKD
Armenian Dram AMD դր. 271.5441 AMD
Silver Ounce XAG so 0.0334 XAG
Other cities Price COMPARED WITH
Zacatecas 9.70 MXN 11.58%
Villahermosa 9.98 MXN 14.74%
Villa Constitucion 8.33 MXN -4.21%
Veracruz 9.61 MXN 10.53%
Uruapan 9.70 MXN 11.58%
Tuxtla Gutierrez 9.79 MXN 12.63%

Potato price comparison chart

The Potato price comparison chart shows that price for Potato (01 Kg) in Zamora is 14.74 % lower than the same Potato price in Villahermosa, Mexico.