The price of Rice (01 Kg) in George, South Africa is 17.85 ZAR
Rice in George, South Africa
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Currency | Code | Symbol | Value |
Philippine Peso | PHP | ₱ | 76.9247 PHP |
Omani Rial | OMR | ﷼ | 0.6776 OMR |
Bolivian Boliviano | BOB | $b | 12.1564 BOB |
Brazilian Real | BRL | R$ | 4.0394 BRL |
Guyanaese Dollar | GYD | $ | 362.0566 GYD |
Gold Ounce | XAU | g | 0.0014 XAU |
Other cities | Price | COMPARED WITH George |
Zeerust | 15.42 ZAR | -13.64% |
Ysterplaat | 15.42 ZAR | -13.64% |
Worcester | 16.23 ZAR | -9.09% |
Witbank | 14.93 ZAR | -16.36% |
Williston | 15.26 ZAR | -14.55% |
Wesselsbron | 14.93 ZAR | -16.36% |
Rice price comparison chart
The Rice price comparison chart shows that price for Rice (01 Kg) in George is % higher than the same Rice price in , South Africa.