Rice in Gideon, United States

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The price of Rice (01 Kg) in Gideon, United States is 1.54 USD

Currency Code Symbol Value
Colombian Peso COP $ 2,959.1347 COP
Bolivian Boliviano BOB $b 10.6092 BOB
Argentine Peso ARS $ 9.3569 ARS
Afghan Afghani AFN ؋ 87.6308 AFN
Namibian Dollar NAD $ 15.5422 NAD
Latvian Lats LVL Ls 0.7955 LVL
Other cities Price COMPARED WITH
Zuni Pueblo 1.44 USD -6.25%
Zephyrhills 1.57 USD 2.08%
Zellwood 1.54 USD 0.00%
Zelienople 1.42 USD -7.29%
Zeeland 1.47 USD -4.17%
Zapata 1.44 USD -6.25%

Rice price comparison chart

The Rice price comparison chart shows that price for Rice (01 Kg) in Gideon is 2.08 % lower than the same Rice price in Zephyrhills, United States.