Rice in Melilla, Uruguay

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The price of Rice (01 Kg) in Melilla, Uruguay is 29.89 UYU

Currency Code Symbol Value
Sri Lankan Rupee LKR 185.5311 LKR
Zambian Kwacha ZMK ZK 7,428.4571 ZMK
Thai Baht THB ฿ 45.3949 THB
Sudanese Pound SDG £ 6.2639 SDG
Botswanan Pula BWP P 12.1588 BWP
Macedonian Denar MKD ден 64.3418 MKD
Other cities Price COMPARED WITH
Vichadero 26.44 UYU -11.54%
Uruguay 27.87 UYU -6.73%
Treinta-y-Tres 25.86 UYU -13.46%
Tacuarembo 28.74 UYU -3.85%
Salto 28.74 UYU -3.85%
Rivera 28.74 UYU -3.85%

Rice price comparison chart

The Rice price comparison chart shows that price for Rice (01 Kg) in Melilla is % higher than the same Rice price in , Uruguay.