Rice in Northport, United States

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The price of Rice (01 Kg) in Northport, United States is 1.57 USD

Currency Code Symbol Value
Aruban Florin AWG ƒ 2.8065 AWG
Barbadian Dollar BBD $ 3.1360 BBD
Lebanese Pound LBP £ 2,362.6467 LBP
Sudanese Pound SDG £ 6.9441 SDG
Djiboutian Franc DJF Fr 279.0962 DJF
Sierra Leonean Leone SLL Le 6,784.7360 SLL
Other cities Price COMPARED WITH
Zuni Pueblo 1.44 USD -8.16%
Zephyrhills 1.57 USD 0.00%
Zellwood 1.54 USD -2.04%
Zelienople 1.42 USD -9.18%
Zeeland 1.47 USD -6.12%
Zapata 1.44 USD -8.16%

Rice price comparison chart

The Rice price comparison chart shows that price for Rice (01 Kg) in Northport is % higher than the same Rice price in , United States.