Rice in Orange Walk, Belize

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The price of Rice (01 Kg) in Orange Walk, Belize is 3.94 BZD

Currency Code Symbol Value
Ghanaian Cedi GHS 4.4812 GHS
Norwegian Krone NOK kr 12.0707 NOK
Syrian Pound SYP £ 277.2891 SYP
Chilean Peso CLP $ 1,033.7303 CLP
Lithuanian Litas LTL Lt 5.0371 LTL
São Tomé and Príncipe Dobra STD Db 36,126.6840 STD
Other cities Price COMPARED WITH
Orange Walk
Silver Creek 3.74 BZD -5.05%
Sartaneja 3.82 BZD -3.03%
Santa Cruz 3.82 BZD -3.03%
San Pedro 3.90 BZD -1.01%
San Ignacio 3.70 BZD -6.06%
Punta Gorda 3.82 BZD -3.03%

Rice price comparison chart

The Rice price comparison chart shows that price for Rice (01 Kg) in Orange Walk is % higher than the same Rice price in , Belize.