Sugar in Maringa, Brazil

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The price of Sugar (01 Kg) in Maringa, Brazil is 4.09 BRL

Currency Code Symbol Value
São Tomé and Príncipe Dobra STD Db 32,514.0156 STD
Zimbabwean Dollar ZWD Z$ 644.9058 ZWD
Sierra Leonean Leone SLL Le 7,710.7140 SLL
Moldovan Leu MDL L 23.3547 MDL
Peruvian Nuevo Sol PEN S/. 4.9978 PEN
Afghan Afghani AFN ؋ 101.6654 AFN
Other cities Price COMPARED WITH
Xinguara 3.52 BRL -13.89%
Xapuri 3.75 BRL -8.33%
Xanxere 3.41 BRL -16.67%
Votuporanga 3.71 BRL -9.26%
Vitoria Da Conquista 3.94 BRL -3.70%
Vitoria 3.98 BRL -2.78%

Sugar price comparison chart

The Sugar price comparison chart shows that price for Sugar (01 Kg) in Maringa is % higher than the same Sugar price in , Brazil.