Sugar in Zuni Pueblo, United States

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The price of Sugar (01 Kg) in Zuni Pueblo, United States is 2.62 USD

Currency Code Symbol Value
Argentine Peso ARS $ 15.9395 ARS
Saudi Riyal SAR 9.8136 SAR
Swedish Krona SEK kr 17.1930 SEK
Bahraini Dinar BHD ب.د 0.9865 BHD
Eritrea Nakfa ERN Nfk 39.5049 ERN
Mauritanian Ouguiya MRO UM 762.5139 MRO
Other cities Price COMPARED WITH
Zuni Pueblo
Zephyrhills 2.43 USD -7.14%
Zellwood 2.43 USD -7.14%
Zelienople 2.64 USD 1.02%
Zeeland 2.56 USD -2.04%
Zapata 2.67 USD 2.04%
Zanesville 2.38 USD -9.18%

Sugar price comparison chart

The Sugar price comparison chart shows that price for Sugar (01 Kg) in Zuni Pueblo is 2.04 % lower than the same Sugar price in Zapata, United States.