Taxi in Constanza, Dominican Republic

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The price of Taxi (Initial Fare) in Constanza, Dominican Republic is 91.46 DOP

Currency Code Symbol Value
Mozambican Metical MZN MT 64.6916 MZN
Lithuanian Litas LTL Lt 5.4696 LTL
Cuban Peso CUP 48.7779 CUP
Polish Zloty PLN 6.6560 PLN
Georgian Lari GEL 3.6247 GEL
CFA Franc BEAC XAF CFAF 1,039.5444 XAF
Other cities Price COMPARED WITH
Santo Domingo 100.61 DOP 10.00%
Santiago 85.06 DOP -7.00%
San Juan 90.55 DOP -1.00%
San Isidro 84.14 DOP -8.00%
Sabana De Mar 84.14 DOP -8.00%
Punta Cana 91.46 DOP 0.00%
Km Miles Price in USD Local Currency
1 0.62137 2.1500 USD 91.460
2 1.24274 4.3000 USD 182.920
3 1.86411 6.4500 USD 274.380
4 2.48548 8.6000 USD 365.840
5 3.10685 10.7500 USD 457.300
6 3.72822 12.9000 USD 548.760
7 4.34959 15.0500 USD 640.220
8 4.97096 17.2000 USD 731.680
9 5.59233 19.3500 USD 823.140
10 6.21370 21.5000 USD 914.600
20 12.42740 43.0000 USD 1829.200
30 18.64110 64.5000 USD 2743.800
40 24.85480 86.0000 USD 3658.400
50 31.06850 107.5000 USD 4573.000

Taxi price comparison chart

The Taxi price comparison chart shows that price for Taxi (Initial Fare) in Constanza is 10.00 % lower than the same Taxi price in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic.