The price of Taxi (Initial Fare) in Janauba, Brazil is 1.83 BRL
Taxi in Janauba, Brazil
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Currency | Code | Symbol | Value |
Yemeni Rial | YER | ﷼ | 171.3255 YER |
Ugandan Shilling | UGX | USh | 2,015.2825 UGX |
Silver Ounce | XAG | so | 0.0401 XAG |
Thai Baht | THB | ฿ | 25.5731 THB |
Tongan Paʻanga | TOP | T$ | 1.4539 TOP |
Platinum Ounce | XPT | Pt | 0.0006 XPT |
Other cities | Price | COMPARED WITH Janauba |
Xinguara | 1.89 BRL | 3.13% |
Xapuri | 1.83 BRL | 0.00% |
Xanxere | 1.70 BRL | -7.29% |
Votuporanga | 1.79 BRL | -2.08% |
Vitoria Da Conquista | 2.04 BRL | 11.46% |
Vitoria | 2.00 BRL | 9.38% |
Km | Miles | Price in USD | Local Currency |
1 | 0.62137 | 0.7968 USD | 1.830 |
2 | 1.24274 | 1.5936 USD | 3.660 |
3 | 1.86411 | 2.3904 USD | 5.490 |
4 | 2.48548 | 3.1872 USD | 7.320 |
5 | 3.10685 | 3.9840 USD | 9.150 |
6 | 3.72822 | 4.7808 USD | 10.980 |
7 | 4.34959 | 5.5776 USD | 12.810 |
8 | 4.97096 | 6.3744 USD | 14.640 |
9 | 5.59233 | 7.1712 USD | 16.470 |
10 | 6.21370 | 7.9680 USD | 18.300 |
20 | 12.42740 | 15.9360 USD | 36.600 |
30 | 18.64110 | 23.9040 USD | 54.900 |
40 | 24.85480 | 31.8720 USD | 73.200 |
50 | 31.06850 | 39.8400 USD | 91.500 |
Taxi price comparison chart
The Taxi price comparison chart shows that price for Taxi (Initial Fare) in Janauba is 11.46 % lower than the same Taxi price in Vitoria Da Conquista, Brazil.