Taxi in Mansalay, Philippines

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The price of Taxi (Initial Fare) in Mansalay, Philippines is 10.57 PHP

Currency Code Symbol Value
Nigerian Naira NGN 38.3787 NGN
Malaysian Ringgit MYR RM 0.7790 MYR
Syrian Pound SYP £ 33.8629 SYP
North Korean Won KPW 217.6200 KPW
Norwegian Krone NOK kr 1.4741 NOK
United States Dollar USD $ 0.2418 USD
Other cities Price COMPARED WITH
Zamboanga 12.16 PHP 15.05%
Virac 12.27 PHP 16.13%
Vigan 10.23 PHP -3.23%
Tuguegarao 12.16 PHP 15.05%
Taytay Sandoval 11.82 PHP 11.83%
Tawitawi 12.27 PHP 16.13%
Km Miles Price in USD Local Currency
1 0.62137 0.2418 USD 10.570
2 1.24274 0.4836 USD 21.140
3 1.86411 0.7254 USD 31.710
4 2.48548 0.9672 USD 42.280
5 3.10685 1.2090 USD 52.850
6 3.72822 1.4508 USD 63.420
7 4.34959 1.6926 USD 73.990
8 4.97096 1.9344 USD 84.560
9 5.59233 2.1762 USD 95.130
10 6.21370 2.4180 USD 105.700
20 12.42740 4.8360 USD 211.400
30 18.64110 7.2540 USD 317.100
40 24.85480 9.6720 USD 422.800
50 31.06850 12.0900 USD 528.500

Taxi price comparison chart

The Taxi price comparison chart shows that price for Taxi (Initial Fare) in Mansalay is 16.13 % lower than the same Taxi price in Virac, Philippines.