Taxi in Tamboril, Brazil

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The price of Taxi (Initial Fare) in Tamboril, Brazil is 1.90 BRL

Currency Code Symbol Value
Vanuatu Vatu VUV VT 79.3646 VUV
Panamanian Balboa PAB B/. 0.8300 PAB
Singapore Dollar SGD $ 1.0393 SGD
Angolan Kwanza AOA Kz 80.7913 AOA
Malaysian Ringgit MYR RM 2.6739 MYR
New Zealand Dollar NZD $ 1.0135 NZD
Other cities Price COMPARED WITH
Xinguara 1.89 BRL -1.00%
Xapuri 1.83 BRL -4.00%
Xanxere 1.70 BRL -11.00%
Votuporanga 1.79 BRL -6.00%
Vitoria Da Conquista 2.04 BRL 7.00%
Vitoria 2.00 BRL 5.00%
Km Miles Price in USD Local Currency
1 0.62137 0.8300 USD 1.900
2 1.24274 1.6600 USD 3.800
3 1.86411 2.4900 USD 5.700
4 2.48548 3.3200 USD 7.600
5 3.10685 4.1500 USD 9.500
6 3.72822 4.9800 USD 11.400
7 4.34959 5.8100 USD 13.300
8 4.97096 6.6400 USD 15.200
9 5.59233 7.4700 USD 17.100
10 6.21370 8.3000 USD 19.000
20 12.42740 16.6000 USD 38.000
30 18.64110 24.9000 USD 57.000
40 24.85480 33.2000 USD 76.000
50 31.06850 41.5000 USD 95.000

Taxi price comparison chart

The Taxi price comparison chart shows that price for Taxi (Initial Fare) in Tamboril is 7.00 % lower than the same Taxi price in Vitoria Da Conquista, Brazil.