Tomato in Bella Yella, Liberia

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The price of Tomato (01 Kg) in Bella Yella, Liberia is 226.16 LRD

Currency Code Symbol Value
Seychellois Rupee SCR 34.1372 SCR
Croatian Kuna HRK kn 15.8912 HRK
Norwegian Krone NOK kr 17.1977 NOK
Indian Rupee INR Rs 175.7381 INR
South African Rand ZAR R 28.6165 ZAR
Ghanaian Cedi GHS 6.3845 GHS
Other cities Price COMPARED WITH
Bella Yella
Wologissi 238.59 LRD 5.49%
Weasua 243.56 LRD 7.69%
Voinjama 236.11 LRD 4.40%
Tchien 246.05 LRD 8.79%
Tapeta 221.19 LRD -2.20%
Sinoe 236.11 LRD 4.40%

Tomato price comparison chart

The Tomato price comparison chart shows that price for Tomato (01 Kg) in Bella Yella is 8.79 % lower than the same Tomato price in Tchien, Liberia.