Tomato in Trondheim, Norway

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The price of Tomato (01 Kg) in Trondheim, Norway is 31.07 NOK

Currency Code Symbol Value
Botswanan Pula BWP P 43.8075 BWP
Zambian Kwacha ZMK ZK 26,764.2939 ZMK
Chilean Peso CLP $ 2,660.5503 CLP
Nicaraguan Córdoba NIO C$ 127.9825 NIO
Mauritanian Ouguiya MRO UM 1,485.0457 MRO
Latvian Lats LVL Ls 2.6391 LVL
Other cities Price COMPARED WITH
Vardoe 31.66 NOK 1.92%
Vaeroy 32.86 NOK 5.77%
Vadso 32.56 NOK 4.81%
Tromso 28.38 NOK -8.65%
Svolvaer 32.86 NOK 5.77%
Svalbard 29.57 NOK -4.81%

Tomato price comparison chart

The Tomato price comparison chart shows that price for Tomato (01 Kg) in Trondheim is 5.77 % lower than the same Tomato price in Vaeroy, Norway.