Tomato in Zellwood, United States

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The price of Tomato (01 Kg) in Zellwood, United States is 6.30 USD

Currency Code Symbol Value
Indonesian Rupiah IDR Rp 74,194.4700 IDR
Special Drawing Rights XDR SDR 4.1101 XDR
Maldivian Rufiyaa MVR ރ. 96.9003 MVR
Nepalese Rupee NPR Rs 629.3807 NPR
Argentine Peso ARS $ 38.3777 ARS
United States Dollar USD $ 6.3000 USD
Other cities Price COMPARED WITH
Zuni Pueblo 6.30 USD 0.00%
Zephyrhills 6.79 USD 7.78%
Zelienople 6.58 USD 4.44%
Zeeland 6.37 USD 1.11%
Zapata 6.51 USD 3.33%
Zanesville 6.30 USD 0.00%

Tomato price comparison chart

The Tomato price comparison chart shows that price for Tomato (01 Kg) in Zellwood is 7.78 % lower than the same Tomato price in Zephyrhills, United States.