The price of Bottle of Water (0.5 Litre) in Myanmar is 339.91 MMK
Bottle of Water in Myanmar, Myanmar
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Currency | Code | Symbol | Value |
Paraguayan Guarani | PYG | Gs | 1,531.5161 PYG |
Russian Ruble | RUB | руб | 11.4424 RUB |
South Korean Won | KRW | ₩ | 367.6573 KRW |
Rwandan Franc | RWF | Fr | 233.1869 RWF |
Bermudan Dollar | BMD | $ | 0.3465 BMD |
Venezuelan Bolívar Fuerte | VEF | Bs | 2.1802 VEF |
Other countries | Price | COMPARED WITH Myanmar |
Congo | 1,304.71 MMK | 283.84% |
Greenland | 1,618.62 MMK | 376.19% |
United States | 1,687.29 MMK | 396.39% |
Venezuela | 1,682.39 MMK | 394.95% |
Uruguay | 990.21 MMK | 191.31% |
Suriname | 532.87 MMK | 56.77% |
Bottle of Water price comparison chart
The Bottle of Water price comparison chart shows that price for Bottle of Water (0.5 Litre) in Myanmar is 396.39 % lower than the same Bottle of Water price in , United States.