The price of Bottle of Water (0.5 Litre) in Port De Paix, Haiti is 24.59 HTG
Bottle of Water in Port De Paix, Haiti
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Currency | Code | Symbol | Value |
Barbadian Dollar | BBD | $ | 1.2400 BBD |
Croatian Kuna | HRK | kn | 3.4926 HRK |
Vanuatu Vatu | VUV | VT | 59.2844 VUV |
Panamanian Balboa | PAB | B/. | 0.6200 PAB |
Serbian Dinar | RSD | Дин. | 52.1097 RSD |
Belize Dollar | BZD | BZ$ | 1.2333 BZD |
Other cities | Price | COMPARED WITH Port De Paix |
Port Au Prince | 26.06 HTG | 6.00% |
Les Cayes | 23.61 HTG | -4.00% |
Jeremie | 24.34 HTG | -1.00% |
Jacmel | 22.87 HTG | -7.00% |
Haiti | 23.85 HTG | -3.00% |
Cap Haitien | 26.06 HTG | 6.00% |
Bottle of Water price comparison chart
The Bottle of Water price comparison chart shows that price for Bottle of Water (0.5 Litre) in Port De Paix is 6.00 % lower than the same Bottle of Water price in Port Au Prince, Haiti.