The price of Bottle of Water (0.5 Litre) in Santa Isabel Rio Negro, Brazil is 2.38 BRL
Bottle of Water in Santa Isabel Rio Negro, Brazil
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Currency | Code | Symbol | Value |
Liberian Dollar | LRD | $ | 83.0180 LRD |
Salvadoran Colón | SVC | $ | 9.0550 SVC |
Malaysian Ringgit | MYR | RM | 3.3360 MYR |
Netherlands Antillean Guilder | ANG | ƒ | 1.8525 ANG |
Burundian Franc | BIF | Fr | 1,605.1700 BIF |
Kazakhstani Tenge | KZT | лв | 158.6469 KZT |
Other cities | Price | COMPARED WITH Santa Isabel Rio Negro |
Xinguara | 2.09 BRL | -11.93% |
Xapuri | 2.03 BRL | -14.68% |
Xanxere | 2.11 BRL | -11.01% |
Votuporanga | 1.96 BRL | -17.43% |
Vitoria Da Conquista | 2.33 BRL | -1.83% |
Vitoria | 2.29 BRL | -3.67% |
Bottle of Water price comparison chart
The Bottle of Water price comparison chart shows that price for Bottle of Water (0.5 Litre) in Santa Isabel Rio Negro is % higher than the same Bottle of Water price in , Brazil.