Bottle of Water in Sao Filipe, Cape Verde

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The price of Bottle of Water (0.5 Litre) in Sao Filipe, Cape Verde is 98.55 CVE

Currency Code Symbol Value
Laotian Kip LAK 9,662.4308 LAK
Eritrea Nakfa ERN Nfk 18.2683 ERN
Liberian Dollar LRD $ 97.0080 LRD
Solomon Islands Dollar SBD $ 8.6614 SBD
Sierra Leonean Leone SLL Le 5,235.6700 SLL
Macanese Pataca MOP P 9.6574 MOP
Other cities Price COMPARED WITH
Sao Filipe
Sao Vicente 96.76 CVE -1.82%
Sao Nicolau 95.86 CVE -2.73%
Santo Antao 89.59 CVE -9.09%
Sal 98.55 CVE 0.00%
Praia 98.55 CVE 0.00%
Mosteiros 85.11 CVE -13.64%

Bottle of Water price comparison chart

The Bottle of Water price comparison chart shows that price for Bottle of Water (0.5 Litre) in Sao Filipe is % higher than the same Bottle of Water price in , Cape Verde.