Flight from Edmonton to Bourgas

Edmonton, Canada
Bourgas, Bulgaria

Your cost to Flight: $944 - $1153

Edmonton Downtown Office
  • Total Distance:

    30.53 km (19 miles)

  • Travel Time:

    28 Minutes

  • Frequency:


  • Bus Fare:

    28.0 USD (~40.38 BGN)

  • Total Distance:

    8725.17 km (5422 miles)

  • Travel Time:

    17 Hours 5 Minutes

  • Frequency:

    0 Times/Day

  • Flight Fare:

    1000.0 USD (~1,442.08 BGN)

Bourgas, Bulgaria
Source: Rome2rio

Edmonton-Bourgas Flight schedule

Airline Flight Departure Arrival Duration
5M 12:40 YEG 09:24 BOJ 7h 2mins

Cost by number of pax.

Pax Currency (USD) Currency (Local)
1 person 1,101 USD ~ 1,588 BGN
2 people 2,202 USD ~ 3,175 BGN
3 people 3,303 USD ~ 4,763 BGN
4 people 4,404 USD ~ 6,351 BGN
5 people 5,505 USD ~ 7,939 BGN

Did you know?

  • The total CO2 Emission for your trip is 943.24 kg
  • Your total cost to flights from Edmonton to Bourgas is about 1101.0 USD ( 28.0 USD for bus ride, 1000.0 USD for flight )
  • The cheapest flight is on which is 1101.0 USD (1,588 BGN)