Distance from

Bangkok to Houaphan

Average travel distance is

2932.75 km

Nomal travel times are between

42h 32min  -  62h 40min

2932.75 km (1822 miles) is the average travel distance between Bangkok and . If you could walk at the speed of 3mph (4.8kph), it would take 18 days 23 hours.

Travel distance by transport mode

Tranport Km Miles Nautical miles
Drive 2107.79 km 1309.72 miles 1138.11 miles
Flight 3171.16 km 1970.47 miles 1712.29 miles
Bus 3519.31 km 2186.8 miles 1900.27 miles


Bangkok - Houaphan Info

The distance from Phaya Thai to Suvarnabhumi Airport 29 km (18.28 miles) .

The distance from BKK to CEI 759 km (471.68 miles) .

The distance from Chiang Rai to Houeisay 2384 km (1481.13 miles) .

Travel distance chart

The distance between Bangkok Thailand to Houaphan is 2932.75 km (1822 miles) and it would cost 320 USD ~ 2,555,354 LAK to drive in a car that consumes about 81 MPG.