1317.5 km (819 miles) is the average travel distance between Beijing and . If you could walk at the speed of 3mph (4.8kph), it would take 8 days 12 hours.
Distance from
Beijing to ShanghaiAverage travel distance is
1317.5 kmNomal travel times are between
7h 9min - 13h 12minTravel distance by transport mode
Tranport | Km | Miles | Nautical miles |
Train | 1204.27 km | 748.3 miles | 650.25 miles |
Flight | 1363.67 km | 847.34 miles | 736.32 miles |
Drive | 1384.57 km | 860.33 miles | 747.61 miles |
Beijing - Shanghai Info
The distance from Beijing to Tangshan North 171 km (106.2 miles) .
The distance from Tangshan North to Tangshan 36 km (22.2 miles) .
The distance from TVS to PVG 1118 km (694.4 miles) .
The distance from Pudong International Airport to East Nanjing Road 40 km (24.73 miles) .
Travel distance chart
The distance between Beijing to Shanghai, China is 1317.5 km (819 miles) and it would cost 75 USD ~ 458 CNY to drive in a car that consumes about 19 MPG.