Distance from

Luang Prabang to Seoul

Average travel distance is

6240.3 km

Nomal travel times are between

17h 2min  -  142h 31min

6240.3 km (3878 miles) is the average travel distance between Luang Prabang and . If you could walk at the speed of 3mph (4.8kph), it would take 40 days 8 hours.

Travel distance by transport mode

Tranport Km Miles Nautical miles
Flight 3836.59 km 2383.94 miles 2071.59 miles
Train 8644.02 km 5371.15 miles 4667.4 miles


Luang Prabang - Seoul Info

The distance from LPQ to PUS 3410 km (2118.95 miles) .

The distance from Gimhae International Airport to Daegu Hanjin Bus Terminal 109 km (67.77 miles) .

The distance from Dongdaegu to Seoul 318 km (197.88 miles) .

Travel distance chart

The distance between Luang Prabang to Seoul, South Korea is 6240.3 km (3878 miles) and it would cost 596 USD ~ 632,392 KRW to drive in a car that consumes about 151 MPG.