2402.43 km (1493 miles) is the average travel distance between Phnom Penh and . If you could walk at the speed of 3mph (4.8kph), it would take 15 days 13 hours.
Distance from
Phnom Penh to JakartaAverage travel distance is
2402.43 kmNomal travel times are between
12h 1min - 13h 13minTravel distance by transport mode
Tranport | Km | Miles | Nautical miles |
Flight | 2402.43 km | 1492.8 miles | 1297.21 miles |
Phnom Penh - Jakarta Info
The distance from Phnom Penh to Phnom Penh 12 km (7.41 miles) .
The distance from PNH to BDO 2221 km (1380.0 miles) .
The distance from Bandung to Bandung 3 km (2.0 miles) .
The distance from Bandung to Jakarta Gambir 167 km (104.02 miles) .
Travel distance chart
The distance between Phnom Penh to Jakarta is 2402.43 km (1493 miles) and it would cost 140 USD ~ 1,648,766 IDR to drive in a car that consumes about 35 MPG.
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