468.98 km (291 miles) is the average travel distance between Seoul and . If you could walk at the speed of 3mph (4.8kph), it would take 3 days 0 hours.
Distance from
Seoul to BusanAverage travel distance is
468.98 kmNomal travel times are between
3h 27min - 7h 38minTravel distance by transport mode
Tranport | Km | Miles | Nautical miles |
Train | 447.62 km | 278.14 miles | 241.69 miles |
Drive | 449.65 km | 279.4 miles | 242.79 miles |
Flight | 476.42 km | 296.03 miles | 257.24 miles |
Bus | 502.23 km | 312.07 miles | 271.18 miles |
Seoul - Busan Info
The distance from Seoul to Seoul Gimpo Airport 26 km (16.3 miles) .
The distance from GMP to KPO 313 km (194.56 miles) .
The distance from Pohang to Pohang Bus Terminal 9 km (5.53 miles) .
The distance from Pohang Bus Terminal to Busan Central Bus Terminal 113 km (70.26 miles) .
The distance from Busan Central Bus Terminal to Busan 16 km (10.0 miles) .
Travel distance chart
The distance between Seoul, South Korea to Busan, South Korea is 468.98 km (291 miles) and it would cost 50 USD ~ 53,053 KRW to drive in a car that consumes about 12 MPG.